Estimating the effects of continuous-valued interventions from observational data is a critically important task for climate science, healthcare, and economics. Recent work focuses on designing neural network architectures and regularization functions to allow for scalable estimation of average and individual-level dose-response curves from high-dimensional, large-sample data. Such methodologies assume ignorability (observation of all confounding variables) and positivity (observation of all treatment levels for every covariate value describing a set of units), assumptions problematic in the continuous treatment regime. Scalable sensitivity and uncertainty analyses to understand the ignorance induced in causal estimates when these assumptions are relaxed are less studied. Here, we develop a continuous treatment-effect marginal sensitivity model (CMSM) and derive bounds that agree with the observed data and a researcher-defined level of hidden confounding. We introduce a scalable algorithm and uncertainty-aware deep models to derive and estimate these bounds for high-dimensional, large-sample observational data. We work in concert with climate scientists interested in the climatological impacts of human emissions on cloud properties using satellite observations from the past 15 years. This problem is known to be complicated by many unobserved confounders.

Causal discovery from observational and interventional data is challenging due to limited data and non-identifiability: factors that introduce uncertainty in estimating the underlying structural causal model (SCM). Selecting experiments (interventions) based on the uncertainty arising from both factors can expedite the identification of the SCM. Existing methods in experimental design for causal discovery from limited data either rely on linear assumptions for the SCM or select only the intervention target. This work incorporates recent advances in Bayesian causal discovery into the Bayesian optimal experimental design framework, allowing for active causal discovery of large, nonlinear SCMs while selecting both the interventional target and the value. We demonstrate the performance of the proposed method on synthetic graphs (Erdos-Rènyi, Scale Free) for both linear and nonlinear SCMs as well as on the \emph{in-silico} single-cell gene regulatory network dataset, DREAM.

We provide a stochastic strategy for adapting well-known acquisition functions to allow batch active learning. In deep active learning, labels are often acquired in batches for efficiency. However, many acquisition functions are designed for single-sample acquisition and fail when naively used to construct batches. In contrast, state-of-the-art batch acquisition functions are costly to compute. We show how to extend single-sample acquisition functions to the batch setting. Instead of acquiring the top-K points from the pool set, we account for the fact that acquisition scores are expected to change as new points are acquired. This motivates simple stochastic acquisition strategies using score-based or rank-based distributions. Our strategies outperform the standard top-K acquisition with virtually no computational overhead and can be used as a drop-in replacement. In fact, they are even competitive with much more expensive methods despite their linear computational complexity. We conclude that there is no reason to use top-K batch acquisition in practice.

We are at a pivotal moment in healthcare: unprecedented scientific and technological progress in biology over the past two decades bear the promise of radically transforming the way we develop treatments and provide care to patients. Yet, drug discovery has become an increasingly challenging endeavor: not only has the success rate of developing new therapeutics been historically low, but this rate has been steadily declining. The average cost to bring a new drug to market is now twice higher than just a decade earlier. Machine learning-based approaches present a unique opportunity to address this challenge. The MLDD workshop aims at bringing together the community to discuss cutting edge research in this area, with a focus on the following three themes: Genetic & molecular representation learning: Methods aiming at learning compact lower dimensional representations of high dimensional structured biological objects (e.g., DNA, proteins, small molecules). The objective is to then leverage these representations in disease prediction models (e.g., variant effect predictions) or quantify the affinity between two biological entities (e.g., binding between antibody and viral proteins) to support drug and vaccine design. Molecule optimization & target identification: Approaches to enhance the identification or the generation of new molecules that optimize specific properties of interest (e.g., drug-likeness, solubility). This is crucial for efficient large scale screening of drug precursors and protein biotherapeutics design. Biological experiment design: Methods to guide the design and execution of complex biological experiments (e.g., active learning), in particular the efficient exploration of experiment spaces that span hundreds of billions of potential configurations. The overarching goal is to uncover causal relationships between genes and pathologies and subsequently identify more promising drug targets.

The GeneDisco challenge is a machine learning community challenge for evaluating batch active learning algorithms for exploring the vast experimental design space in genetic perturbation experiments. Genetic perturbation experiments, using for example CRISPR technologies to perturb the genome, are a vital component of early-stage drug discovery, including target discovery and target validation. The GeneDisco challenge is organized in conjunction with the Machine Learning for Drug Discovery workshop at ICLR-22.

In vitro cellular experimentation with genetic interventions, using for example CRISPR technologies, is an essential step in early-stage drug discovery and target validation that serves to assess initial hypotheses about causal associations between biological mechanisms and disease pathologies. With billions of potential hypotheses to test, the experimental design space for in vitro genetic experiments is extremely vast, and the available experimental capacity - even at the largest research institutions in the world - pales in relation to the size of this biological hypothesis space. Machine learning methods, such as active and reinforcement learning, could aid in optimally exploring the vast biological space by integrating prior knowledge from various information sources as well as extrapolating to yet unexplored areas of the experimental design space based on available data. However, there exist no standardised benchmarks and data sets for this challenging task and little research has been conducted in this area to date. Here, we introduce GeneDisco, a benchmark suite for evaluating active learning algorithms for experimental design in drug discovery. GeneDisco contains a curated set of multiple publicly available experimental data sets as well as open-source implementations of state-of-the-art active learning policies for experimental design and exploration.

Estimating personalized treatment effects from high-dimensional observational data is essential in situations where experimental designs are infeasible, unethical, or expensive. Existing approaches rely on fitting deep models on outcomes observed for treated and control populations. However, when measuring individual outcomes is costly, as is the case of a tumor biopsy, a sample-efficient strategy for acquiring each result is required. Deep Bayesian active learning provides a framework for efficient data acquisition by selecting points with high uncertainty. However, existing methods bias training data acquisition towards regions of non-overlapping support between the treated and control populations. These are not sample-efficient because the treatment effect is not identifiable in such regions. We introduce causal, Bayesian acquisition functions grounded in information theory that bias data acquisition towards regions with overlapping support to maximize sample efficiency for learning personalized treatment effects. We demonstrate the performance of the proposed acquisition strategies on synthetic and semi-synthetic datasets IHDP and CMNIST and their extensions, which aim to simulate common dataset biases and pathologies.

Aerosol-cloud interactions include a myriad of effects that all begin when aerosol enters a cloud and acts as cloud condensation nuclei (CCN). An increase in CCN results in a decrease in the mean cloud droplet size (r$_e$). The smaller droplet size leads to brighter, more expansive, and longer lasting clouds that reflect more incoming sunlight, thus cooling the earth. Globally, aerosol-cloud interactions cool the Earth, however the strength of the effect is heterogeneous over different meteorological regimes. Understanding how aerosol-cloud interactions evolve as a function of the local environment can help us better understand sources of error in our Earth system models, which currently fail to reproduce the observed relationships. In this work we use recent non-linear, causal machine learning methods to study the heterogeneous effects of aerosols on cloud droplet radius.

Inducing point Gaussian process approximations are often considered a gold standard in uncertainty estimation since they retain many of the properties of the exact GP and scale to large datasets. A major drawback is that they have difficulty scaling to high dimensional inputs. Deep Kernel Learning (DKL) promises a solution: a deep feature extractor transforms the inputs over which an inducing point Gaussian process is defined. However, DKL has been shown to provide unreliable uncertainty estimates in practice. We study why, and show that with no constraints, the DKL objective pushes "far-away" data points to be mapped to the same features as those of training-set points. With this insight we propose to constrain DKL's feature extractor to approximately preserve distances through a bi-Lipschitz constraint, resulting in a feature space favorable to DKL. We obtain a model, DUE, which demonstrates uncertainty quality outperforming previous DKL and other single forward pass uncertainty methods, while maintaining the speed and accuracy of standard neural networks.

We study the problem of learning conditional average treatment effects (CATE) from high-dimensional, observational data with unobserved confounders. Unobserved confounders introduce ignorance -- a level of unidentifiability -- about an individual's response to treatment by inducing bias in CATE estimates. We present a new parametric interval estimator suited for high-dimensional data, that estimates a range of possible CATE values when given a predefined bound on the level of hidden confounding. Further, previous interval estimators do not account for ignorance about the CATE associated with samples that may be underrepresented in the original study, or samples that violate the overlap assumption. Our interval estimator also incorporates model uncertainty so that practitioners can be made aware of out-of-distribution data. We prove that our estimator converges to tight bounds on CATE when there may be unobserved confounding, and assess it using semi-synthetic, high-dimensional datasets.

Recommending the best course of action for an individual is a major application of individual-level causal effect estimation. This application is often needed in safety-critical domains such as healthcare, where estimating and communicating uncertainty to decision-makers is crucial. We introduce a practical approach for integrating uncertainty estimation into a class of state-of-the-art neural network methods used for individual-level causal estimates. We show that our methods enable us to deal gracefully with situations of "no-overlap", common in high-dimensional data, where standard applications of causal effect approaches fail. Further, our methods allow us to handle covariate shift, where test distribution differs to train distribution, common when systems are deployed in practice. We show that when such a covariate shift occurs, correctly modeling uncertainty can keep us from giving overconfident and potentially harmful recommendations. We demonstrate our methodology with a range of state-of-the-art models. Under both covariate shift and lack of overlap, our uncertainty-equipped methods can alert decisions makers when predictions are not to be trusted while outperforming their uncertainty-oblivious counterparts.